2017 Beauty That Transforms - Hawai’i

Glimpses of the retreat on the Big Island at Kalani! There's little in the world that brings me more joy than this work. What a great honor and privilege to sit, share, learn, sing, explore, heal, grow, dance, cry, laugh, and bond as ‘ohana, as family, in the sacred circle that is "home"... sharing the breath that is Alo - HA!

I feel so deeply grateful for the wonderful team of facilitators and the 17 extraordinary women who showed up for each other, for themselves, and for the bigger purpose of birthing a happier, healthier, world... a world that has come back into harmony, into Lokahi... mind & body, head & heart, science & soul, masculine & feminine, yin & yang, technology & nature, and knowledge & wisdom.

It's time to weave the seemingly separate into harmonious flow. It's happening. We got a pretty potent taste of it here and now we bring the spirit of Aloha, Ohana and Lokahi wherever we go.

Special thanks to the health professionals and leaders (so many!) who are inspired to take this medicine to their patients, clients, to women who have experienced deep trauma, to the at risk youth populations, to families and beyond. It was a pleasure to sit & share with so many powerful leaders, healers, doctors, teachers, masters... and our then-Soul Flow Alchemy (now NaiAsa Institute) facilitators in training, each one a goddess, embodied, wild, and beautiful.

Huge Mahalo to everyone!

Everyone brought such unique and essential elements to co-create sweet alchemy - facilitators, participants - and as we were told by one of the participants, even Sekai who modeled for us that healthy 2 yr old way of being that we all strive to embrace again.

video (also includes 2015 BTT - hawai’i highlights)
